Your app is affected by Google Play’s target API level requirements

10 July 2024

If you have an android application on google play store you must have received the email that says

We’ve detected that your app is targeting an old version of Android. To provide users with a safe and secure experience, Google Play requires all apps to meet target API level requirements before Aug 31, 2024

We are experts at getting the job done. You can contact us to resolve this issue.

The changes that need to be addressed are as follows:

Foreground Service types are required
Choose a foreground service type that represents app’s use case.

    • Camera
    • ConnectedDevice
    • DataSync
    • Health
    • Location
    • MediaPlayback
    • MediaProjection
    • Microphone
    • PhoneCall
    • RemoteMessaging
    • ShortService
    • SpecialUse
    • SystemExempted

“It’s strongly recommended that you migrate to use WorkManager or user-initiated data transfer jobs if a use case of your app isn’t associated with any the types”

Add bluetooth connect permission
This bluetooth method previously required the bluetooth connect permission, but it was not enforced. So declaring Bluetooth connect in your app’s AndroidManifest.xml is essential.

JobScheduler reinforces callback and Network behaviour.
If a job takes too long and exceeds the allowed time on the main thread, the programme generates an app not responding.

“Consider migrating to WorkManager, which provides support for asynchronous processing or migrating any heavy work into a background thread”

JobScheduler also requirement to declare the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission if using setRequiredNetworkType or setRequiredNetwork constraint.

Tiles launch API outdated
If your app launches activities from tiles, use TileService#startActivityAndCollapse(PendingIntent) instead.

Partial access to photos and videos
If you app haven’t used the picture picker yet, incorporating it into your app to provide a uniform experience for selecting images and videos while also improving user privacy without requiring any storage rights.

“If app own gallery picker utilising storage rights and need to keep complete control over it, adjust it to use the new READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED permission.”

Secure full-screen Notifications
Apps that are allowed to use full screen notification permission are limited to those that provide calling and alarms only.

A few more slight changes exist. It is mandatory for an Android app to be updated before August 31, 2024. The list is long and time-consuming, but we can check all points and resolve them for you.

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